Topic: Carla Heinrich-Trautwein’s Zoom MeetingTime: Jul 21, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting agenda:
1. Call of order.
2. Financial updates by Char and Carla. (10 mins)
a. Expenses since last meeting.
b. New member payments.
3. Non recurring projects/events: (approx. 10 mins each) a. Proposal to by-law changes:
1. Discuss regarding changing quorum in existing by-laws. Since participation is very low it will be impossible to make any by-law changes with current quorum requirements.
2. Voting procedure for by-law changes. How are we going to have voting as per current by-laws? Eg: Through email, in person and mail.
4. Annual events:
a. Annual meeting
i. What did we learn, any feedback on making it better.
b. Any up coming events?
Neighborhood night out – Aug 4th – Have ice-cream/food truck.
5. Discussions/Voting (10 mins):
Pay Terri for flyers
6. Open floor (Any available time)
a. Please share new neighbor information to be posted on website.