
This community is managed by a Neighborhood Association (NA) which is made up of a Board of Directors. These are unpaid members of the community that volunteer their time to support the common goals and maintenance of our neighborhood. We do not have a Home Owners Association (HOA) that dictates rules across the neighborhood. We are located in the City of Austin and abide by the city codes and restrictions.

Our NA is in place to support the needs of the common space and community.

The volunteer members that represent our board are:

President Justin Wittsche
Vice President OPEN POSITION
Treasurer Char Petersen
CommunicationsCarla Heinrich-Trautwein
Briana Zamora
Event CoordinationTammy Davison
Zero Waste Block LeaderBriana Zamora

To contact any members of the board fill out and submit a Contact Form.

Social Media and Site Admins

Facebook Justin WittscheSubmit a Contact Form
NextdoorJustin Wittsche
WebmasterJustin Wittsche Submit a Contact Form

Committee Members

We welcome input and participation. If you are interested in heading up or participating in a committee to support one of our events please contact us.  You can find the event leads listed on the calendar.