CCOBNA Dues are $60.00 per household per year. This is an exceptional value considering fees provide support for maintenance of common spaces including the entrance monuments and landscaping plants, mulching, water, sprinkler system, lights, electricity, holiday decorations and tree removal and cleanup as needed. It also supports this website, our PO Box, and coordination and support for community events such as our Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July Parade and Festivities, Fall Festival, American flags at the entrance on specific holidays, a yearly garage sale day, and more. We take pride in our community and we welcome input from all residents at our bi-monthly NA board meetings. At our Annual meeting we organize speakers that provide information that benefits the homeowners in our community.
Please pay your dues every January so we can budget and plan for the years improvements and social events. If you can’t pay in January we are accepting fees all year.

Pay your dues with Venmo.
Use your app or to pay to Enter your home address in the memo.

Pay your dues by clicking on the PayPal link or selecting in the app using your favorite credit card or bank account. Enter your home address in the memo.
Or mail a check:

Make check out to: CCOBNA
Mail to:
Carla Heinrich-Trautwein
9424 Lightwood Loop
Austin, TX 78748
You can also put your check/envelope in the neighborhood communication box that is located on our marque sign near the front park. If you do use this box make sure to PUT THE RED FLAG UP so we know there is mail for us. You can also send us an email through the contact page to let us know.
You are also welcome to drop off your dues at any of the board members homes or contact us and we will stop by to pick it up. Send us an email through the contact page to coordinate a pick up.