ANNUAL MEETING – March 28, 2015, 10:00 am in the back park

Meet your neighbors and join in helping Cherry Creek be the great neighborhood it can be!  In a couple weeks I will post the agenda for the meeting with the speakers we have coming to share with us.  Put the date and time on your calendars and block an hour or two out of your day to know about your neighborhood and be a voice.

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Please take a drive or a walk through the neighborhood and pick your favorite decorations and vote for your fellow neighbor.  I plan to put the sign in the winners yard on Tuesday.  So place your vote and put it in the mailbox by the marquee by Monday night.

Thanks and Happy Halloween!

Your Cherry Creek on Brodie Team of Volunteers


CarlasHouse Spider_2012 MostSpooktacular_2012 LightwoodLoop ChrisPumpkin_2012 CathysHouse

Thefts in the neighborhood

Let me start with we live in a considerably safe neighborhood with little crime and I for one would like to keep it that way.  There have been a couple posts about thefts in the neighborhood and I thought this is a good time to remind everyone of a few safety measures.

Never leave valuables of any sort in your car even for short period of time.  The criminals are looking for anything to steal.

Always lock your vehicles.  Criminals will peruse through the neighborhood looking for vehicles left open making it easy for them.

Leave your porch lights on at night.  Thieves may pass your house up if there are lights on!

Look out for your neighbors and hopefully they will look out for you and your property also.  We’re in this together!

Call 911 when you see anything suspicious.  You never know if it is something serious and you would rather be safe than sorry.

If we can get our neighborhood watch going and help keep the criminals out we will all feel much safer.  Let’s go Cherry Creek and keep this a wonderful place to live.

Carla Heinrich-Trautwein, President of Cherry Creek on Brodie


NATIONAL NIGHT OUT, Tuesday October 7

There will be a couple parties in the neighborhood on October 7, 2014 for National Night Out.  National Night Out is a night once a year that neighbors are to come together and help stop crime in our neighborhoods.  Getting to know your neighbors and watching out for each other is a positive step towards stopping criminals from coming into the neighborhood and vandalizing our properties.  Knowing your neighbors, their habits and their visitors helps to have better eyes and ears and know when something doesn’t seem right.

1. 3306 Silkgrass Bend

2. 9329 Lightwood Loop

When we know details we will post times.  Below are photos from last years National Night Out in the back park.  A great time had by all!


Cherry Creek Aerial Video

I was in the neighborhood taking video of our house we are selling and I brought our company drone with just to take some aerial shots of the neighborhood. I thought I would share just so everyone can see what it looks like from above.

Updating Landscaping at Cherry Creek Signs

First work day for updating the landscaping at the Cherry Creek signs.  Jeff Peabody was driving out of the neighborhood and had time to stop and give us a hand.  Thank You Jeff!  Your help was greatly appreciated!  Plants will be coming soon for the south side and then we will work on the north side.  Thank You to those of you who were able to help and thank you to Erika Bonner and Erica Taylor for providing photos.

A reminder to everyone in Cherry Creek that the mowing of front entrance, maintenance for the lights, sprinkler system, and updating of landscaping is all paid for with your annual dues of $60.  Please write your check out today if you haven’t paid for the year yet and support the neighborhood so we can continue to beautify your property values.

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