WOW!  What a great turnout on Saturday for our annual meeting.  Those of you who could make it, Thank You for taking a couple hours of your time to support your neighborhood.  It’s important and appreciated.

Also, Thank You to our guest speakers for taking time out of their busy schedules to inform us of what is going on around our community. Covington Middle School’s principal Ms. Shannon Sellstrom spoke on the present and future of Covington Middle School as it transitions to a Fine Arts Academy.  You can email Ms. Stellstrom at if you have any further questions for her.  Walter Moreau of Foundation Communities spoke on their plans to develop Harmon Properties.  If you would like further information about the development or the organization please email Walter at

We had 15 members pay their 2014 dues on Saturday.  The responsibility of keeping up our front entrance is ours and your dues help pay for that and other expenses that arise with anything to do with maintenance.  We now have 43 members for 2014 that is a very small part of the neighborhood pulling the weight for 248 homes.  Let’s get everyone involved in help beautifying our small community and keeping our home values up and having our neighborhood be a very desirable place to live!

Lastly I want to thank my fellow members who helped me get this meeting together and have helped me in the past.  I know we are all busy and you don’t how much your time means to me.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


ANNUAL MEETING – MARCH 29th, 10:00 a.m. Front Park – Please Attend

This is the one meeting a year that is required by the By-Laws that you can come together as a community and hear what your neighborhood association is and has been working on for you.  We have two speakers this year so please come and make them feel welcome.  Attached you will see the agenda which will also be handed out door-to-door to reach everyone.  Come and voice any concerns you have and let’s work together to make Cherry Creek a wonderful place to live.  We are hoping to get to meet you all.


Save The Date!


We have two guest speakers coming, please come and make them feel welcome and glad they came.

We are still working on our agenda for the meeting but here are some bullet points:

  • Meet Neighbors
  • Pay Your Annual Dues
  • Discuss Neighborhood Wishes and Concerns
  • Discuss Crime and a Neighborhood Watch Program
  • Meet Foundation Communities and Hear Their Plans for Their Development
  • Meet the New Principal at Covington Middle School and Hear Her Visions for Our Local Community School
  • Hear About Upcoming Events

Be in the know and join Nextdoor and keep up on what is happening in Your Neighborhood!




It is time to pay your HOA Yearly Dues!

We are excited to say that we can now pay on line with Paypal.  Or, you are still able to write a check to CCOBNA  and mail it to 9901 Brodie Lane, Suite 160, PMB 238, Austin, TX  78748.

It is important to join your HOA and support your neighborhood!  By you paying your dues you are being a part of keeping Cherry Creek a nice place to live.  Without your help we will not be able to maintain (mowing and edging) the front entrance.  The front entrance is your first impression for your home when friends and family come to visit.  Or coming home from a long day of work and seeing a well manicured landscape is a nice sight for tired eyes.  There are 248 homes in the neighborhood and on a given year we have roughly 50 members, which is a very sad number for the amount of homes we have.  Make a difference and join you HOA!

Your yearly dues keep the lights working, sprinkler system operating properly, the up keep of the marquee, and events for families to enjoy.  With your involvement in the community we would be able to do so much more and keeping the neighborhood a place we are proud to live.

Thank You,

Carla Heinrich-Trautwein

“Foundation Communities” our new neighbors to the south

The proposed site plan and building model to be built on the  Harmon Property south of Cherry Creek.  Construction is planned to start summer 2014.  Foundation Communities is a nonprofit organization that offers high-quality, affordable apartments and duplexes with community resources. Please check out their website to find out more about their organization.

new view  - took car out

SAVE THE DATE! Cherry Creek on Brodie Annual Meeting – March 29, 2014, 10:00 a.m. in Front Park

This is an important meeting to attend!  We will discuss all issues pertaining to our neighborhood.  Issues about maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood, development issues around the neighborhood, crime within or around, park concerns, and fun events for our families.  Meeting your neighbors is an excellent way to keep crime at bay and also give you a sense of community.  This is a great time to come voice your concerns, hear what is being done for your neighborhood, and join the Neighborhood Planning Committee in helping make a difference!

Hope you will join us for Donuts and Breakfast Tacos and hear about the comings and goings of Cherry Creek on Brodie on March 29th at 10:00 a.m.

Notice from Austin Police (Be Safe)

The Austin Police Department has received a number of reports from elderly Austin residents who have been approached at their homes by individuals offering to repair their rooftops and electrical wiring. These individuals are not legitimate roofers and electricians, and residents are encouraged to contact APD Detective Kevin Covington at (512) 974-9774 or if they are targeted by these scammers.

The City of Austin and Austin Energy are not participating in any electrical rewiring of homes. This work would be done by a certified electrician and City employees wear identifiable badges. Residents who have questions about their electricity can call the Utility Contact Center at (512) 494-4900.

Scam 1
The suspects claim they are working on a house nearby or driving by and see a squirrel go inside the home through a hole in the roof. They offer to repair the roof for a fee and ask the resident to pay half the cost up front. The scammers “work” for an hour or so and then leave with the money.

Scam 2
Police also believe the same suspects are going to homes and claiming they are City of Austin employees and that the homes may need electrical rewiring to prevent a fire hazard. The suspects appear official and have been granted access to at least four homes in south Austin. They walk around and “check” the electrical outlets inside the home, claim repairs must be made immediately, and then charge a fee of $3,000 to make the repairs. The scammers say they will deduct $500 from the total cost if they pay with cash.

Suspect Descriptions
• White male in his 30s
• White female in her 30s
• White male believed to be 12-15 years old
• Two Hispanic males in their 20s

The suspects are believed to be driving a green or white pick-up truck. If you have any information about these suspects, please call APD Detective Kevin Covington at (512) 974-9774.