Aquifer District Out of Groundwater Drought

The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District’s General Manager has declared a No-Drought condition for the aquifers within the District, effective immediately. The declaration comes after a wet September that saturated soils, then record-setting rainfall in October that caused runoff to area creeks which swelled beyond their banks allowing substantial recharge to the aquifer. One of the area’s two groundwater drought indicators, the water level in the Lovelady Monitor Well, has been rising steadily since the storms in mid- and late-October. On Sunday, November 17, the water level in the Lovelady Well crossed above the District’s drought threshold, a rise of over 19 feet in about a month. The other drought indicator, sustained flow rate at Barton Springs, moved above its threshold after the precipitation events in mid-October and has remained there.  Both indicators need to be above their designated thresholds – and currently are – to emerge from drought.

The District declared a groundwater drought and has been enforcing mandatory water-use restrictions since November 15, 2012, just over a year ago. While the aquifer has received substantial recharge and has passed into No-Drought status, it is still below average water storage capacity.  “The water level at the Lovelady well is still 22 feet below average, but the rapid recharge caused by the recent storms has greatly improved groundwater conditions around the District,” said Robin Gary, Public Information Coordinator.  Groundwater users are encouraged to maintain conservation practices, but mandatory water use restrictions are lifted.

Brian Smith, Aquifer Science Team Leader, stated that, “These exceptional rain events in October fell over parts of the Edwards Aquifer recharge and contributing zone, but the western parts of the contributing zone received only moderate amounts of rain, so we are not likely to see flow continuing in the creeks for an extended period of time.  Without significant rain this fall and winter the aquifer could return to drought status by late winter or spring.”

The District’s General Manager, John Dupnik, offered this reminder stating that, “Despite the exceedingly wet conditions this fall, it is important that groundwater users not forget about the preceding summer months during which severe to extreme meteorological drought gripped the area, and as a consequence, caused water levels in the aquifer to plummet to close to Stage IV Exceptional Drought conditions.” Even in No-Drought status, end users are encouraged to continue to conserve.  Conserving water can prolong the time spent out of groundwater drought and protect water levels and springflow at Barton Springs.

Useful links:

•        Aquifer Data (links to real-time drought trigger measurements):

•        Aquifer Status:

•        Drought Monitor Blog:

•        Aquifer Bulletin newsletter (with full aquifer rain response article):

•        Press Release Archives:


BSEACD is a groundwater conservation district charged by the Texas Legislature to preserve, conserve, and protect the aquifers and groundwater resources within its jurisdiction, which includes parts of three Central Texas counties.  It is governed by a Board of five elected directors and staffed with hydrogeologists, groundwater regulatory compliance specialists, environmental educators, geospatial systems specialists, and administrative support personnel.

Neighborhood Halloween Decorating Contest


It’s time gain for our Annual Halloween Decorating Contest!  No prizes just admiration from your neighbors with a sign posted in your yard.  We will be voting and counting your votes for the most spooky decorations on October 26.  Please vote for your favorite “Most Spooktacular” and “Children’s Favorite”.  Put your votes in the mailbox by the marquee by the end of the day on October 26.  We want to hear from you on your favorite decorations!!1208






House Concert In Cherry Creek!!

Hi friends and neighbors,
This is my first living room concert, I hope you will make it.
Erica Taylor

What a treat! (Costumes optional, but fun) The BEST singer/song writer & violinist playing right here. Better than a front row seat! Bring a friend, a favorite side dish and BYOB for a memorable night you won’t forget. Food and snacks at 6:30, concert starts about 7:30pm Suggested donation $20 (includes copy of CD) Please RSVP to Erica Taylor

–Here’s a Bio bit of Phoebe that is sure to win you over:
Singer-songwriter-instrume ntalist Phoebe Hunt just can’t stay planted in one spot for long, and that insatiable wanderlust drives everything she does — from exploring her own musical styles to living the gypsy life of a touring musician.

Hunt wraps her sultry voice and sincere lyrics right around listeners’ souls with each song. Flowing between the heartbreaking tones of a classic country song into the provocative riffs of a jazz artist, Hunt artfully navigates through many musical landscapes pulling from the heart of the American soul. She shifts moods from playfully demure to seductive and intimate in the blink of a beat. But the quality that shines through most is her honesty.

Please click the link above and respond if you are coming as we have limited seating.
Nov 1st, Friday _ 6:30 for food & drinks, 7:30 concert
Erica & Sam Taylor’s home
3303 Silkgrass Bend 78748

Board Meeting Tonight! Thursday October 17, 7:00-8:00, @ 3303 Silkgrass Bend

If you have any questions or concerns about what is going on in the neighborhood come to the meeting tonight!


Meeting Agenda:
1. Treasurer’s Report
2.  Landscaping Report
     A.  Fall Plantings?
     B.  Fall Clean up?
3.  Neighborhood Watch
     A.  Talk about getting it in place
4.  Welcome Committee
     A.  New homeowners report
5.  Park Update / Status of flooded picnic area
6.  Discuss pros and cons for NNO party
7.  Halloween Decorations Contest
     A.  When to vote for best decorations
8.  Holiday Decorations Contest
     A.  Front Entrance Hoilday lights / who to hire
     B.  When to vote for best decorations
9.  Budget for next year
     A.  Events to Plan
          1.  Annual Meeting
     B.  Expenses planned for coming year
          1.  Flag subscriptions
          2.  Solar Lights for marquee
10.  Old Business
11.  New Business

COME Join Your Police Department For The Commander’s Forum

The Commander will talk about crime stats in our Region as well as crime prevention.  Code Enforcement will give a small brief and answer questions you may have.  They will also break off in groups by who is your District Rep. In the groups the DR’s will talk about crime stats in your neighborhood. This is also a good time to address any concerns you may have in your neighborhood. 




Time:     6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

 Where: Clinton Hunter Substation

                    404 Ralph Ablanedo (Between Congress and  S. 1st ST.  1 Block North of Slaughter Ln)

                    Tuesday, October 15th 


 We look forward to seeing you and getting your feedback!

Questions?  Please call  512-974-8100


Introducing President Carla Trautwein

Dear Neighbors:

My name is Carla Heinrich-Trautwein and I have stepped up to take the role of President of the Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood Association. I have been on the board for many years and have served the neighborhood in many different capacities.  I welcome any input from our residents on the direction you would like the Board to take in making this the neighborhood you want to live in.  The Board has been giving me excellent support and guidance.  We will be posting a schedule for regular meetings so interested residents can attend and give us input.  My hopes are to continue to get people in the neighborhood involved and help make Cherry Creek on Brodie a place we all want to live.

I would like to increase our membership.  By increasing our membership we will be able to maintain the appearance of our neighborhood and keep our property values up.  Our home values are important and if we all become members and take care of our properties we can have a very desirable neighborhood.  Also by getting involved and taking on a small task of your interest we can accomplish so much more.  I want a sense of community and with that comes a sense of security.  By knowing your neighbors and watching out for others we can cut out crime.  With being an active community we can have events that are fun for our families and a chance for each of us to meet new neighbors and make new friends.

Let’s all plan to start the new year off with paying our association dues and taking care of our properties so we can all be proud of Cherry Creek on Brodie.

Thank You,

Carla Heinrich-Trautwein


Annual Marketplace at Bethany Lutheran Church

Bethany Lutheran Church is having an annual Marketplace on Saturday November 9th, 9am-4pm with over Eighty Five (85) Vendors from all over Texas.  This is a great opportunity to do Christmas shopping.  Booths will be all over the Fellowship Hall and the Gym behind the church.  The Vendors have a variety of Hand Made and other interesting items for sale.

Come out and do your Christmas shopping.  Snacks will also be available.

Flooded Picnic Area

All our hard work was flooded out Saturday night!!  We loved the rain, we needed it so much, but what a disappointment to see it look like this less than a day later.  National Night Out will still go on.  Look for us either in the grassy area beside the picnic area or at the end of Silk Oak Drive.  Please come out and meet your neighbors!!

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Mulching Trees in Silk Oak Park

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to all our wonderful volunteers on Saturday, 28th!  Taking time out of your busy schedules to help make a difference in our neighborhood truly means a lot to those of us who work hard to have a nice place to live.

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