A reminder and more info about Saturday, September 28, 2013. Please come out and give us your support in the first step of cleaning up our neighborhood park. We will be mulching trees from 8-11 am. Please bring shovels and wheelbarrows if you can. Not a problem if you can’t we should have enough. Whatever time you can give will be appreciated! Afterwards there will be Fun For All at the appreciation party at Zilker Park and a chance to win ACL tickets!The Appreciation Party starts at 12:45 – 3p.m.We will hold the drawing for the ACL tickets at 2p.m. – You will need to submit your Liability Forms at the Appreciation Party (table will be designated) to be able for yourself and your volunteers to be in the running!Last few points –
- For the Tree Mulching projects, please make sure to watch Urban Forestry’s mulch video yourself so that you can discuss it with your volunteers.
- Also, please use your Site Control connection to your volunteers to let them know the details for the Appreciation Party including the map for the Zilker Rock Garden, so that they are up to speed on the location and details of the event.
- RAIN! Let your volunteers know that in the event of pouring rain at Saturday’s start time, our rain plan has been to wait an hour and if it is still raining, then we postpone to Sunday at the same start time.
- Finally, don’t forget to sign up on the Calendar page for a time to pick up your tools on Thursday or Friday!
National Night Out
Help build a stronger, safer community – Attend C.C.OB.L. National Night Out. Come to Silk Oak Park and meet your neighbors. National Night Out is Tuesday October 1st from 6:00 pm till dark in back park. There will be hot dogs, chips and drinks. Pot luck dishes are always welcome. We hope everyone will make it out this year.
National Public Lands Day
Please Come Out and Help Mulch Trees in Silk Oak Park. Volunteers needed to help mulch trees in back park. The event takes place Saturday the 28th at 8:00 am and goes until 11:oo am. Anyone interested in helping out is welcome to come. Please bring a wheel barrow and a shovel if you can.
Volunteers are invited to a NPLD after party for lunch at Zilker Park. There will be raffle drawings to win one of 20 pairs of 3-day passes to Austin City Limits Music Festival. Go to the Austin Parks Department for more details.
Lost Cat Gracie
She has been missing since around 3PM Tuesday, April 30. She is a brown and black tabby and is quite shy – she is unlikely to come to any strangers but will come to me or my housemate. If anyone sees her, please have them call Leslie Lowdermilk at 360.601.7621. A reward is being offered for anyone who has information leading to her rescue.
Spring time in Cherry Creek
Spring time is a great time in Cherry Creek. We have many upcoming events like the Easter Egg Hunt and the annual meeting. Check out the list below of upcoming events.
Mark your Calendars for the following events.
- Easter Egg Hunt March 30th front park 9am
- Annual meeting/Spring Fling (back park) Sat April 13th 11am incs lunch.
- Annual Garage Sales April 20th?
Christmas Decorating Contest
2012 Winners
- 1st – 9600 Kangaroo
- 2nd – 3311 Silk Oak Drive
- 3rd – 9316 Silk Oak Cove
- Best Front Door – 3208 Grasshopper
- Best Nativity – 3201 Grasshopper
- Best Use of Color – 3202 Grasshopper
- Children’s Favorite – 9332 Lightwood Loop (hands down)
Honorable Mention
- 9319 Lightwood Loop (close second for best nativity)
- 3309 Silkgrass Bend (best color)
- 3306 Silkgrass Bend (best front door)
- 3325 Silk Oak Drive
- 3304 Silkgrass Bend
- 9605 Tea Rose Trail
- 9408 Tea Rose Trail
- 3212 Silk Oak Trail
- 9602 Tea Rose Trail
- 9404 Lightwood Loop
National Night Out 2012
In an effort to get to know our neighbors and the community around us. Cherry Creek on Brodie Neighborhood Association is sponsoring National Night Out this year in the back park. Tuesday, October 2nd, between 5:30-7:30pm, come and mingle in the back park. Bring the kids for hotdogs, and fun in the park. The Neighborhood Association will be providing food and drink, and some music for atmosphere. All you need to do is show up.
National Night Out 2012 details
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012
~In the back park~
This is your chance to break out of your normal routine and meet those neighbors you’ve been meaning to introduce yourself to. Just bring a chair and a yummy dish or desert. The better we know each other, the better we can look out for each other and discourage crime in our neighborhood.
The Newsletters are no longer available from Peel inc. due to lack of advertising support, so this website will be your neighborhood information site. Go to the site for President’s corner, events, neighborhood news, help articles, deed restrictions, by-laws, classified ads, business directory, yard of the month & landscaping, news that effects the neighborhood, and more.
Upcoming events
Halloween Decorating Contest! Check back here on the website next week for more information about dates and procedures for voting.
What can we do to make this site better for you?
New Website
Welcome to the new and improved Cherry Creek on Brodie website. Since the peel newsletter is no longer being published for us, we thought it was time to take control of our community news. This is still very much a work in progress, but we have a lot of cool things planned. This is a 100% volunteer effort and anyone who has something to add is welcome. We also have decided that we should offer free advertising for those businesses owned by our neighbors. So if you would like some advertising let us know.
Road Construction on Deer Lane
This a response sent to a neighbor concerning Deer Lane between Brodie Lane and Coastal Drive from the Street & Bridge Division, Public Works Department.
Street & Bridge has now received approval for major repairs and resurfacing for the section of Deer Lane between Brodie Lane and Coastal Dr. We are evaluating the existing City wide re-paving program, and hope to have the Deer Lane project included in that schedule for completion by late August 2012. As you noted, the existing section of Deer Lane between Coastal Dr and Brodie Ln is in bad shape. This is due in part to deferred maintenance in anticipation of the future extension of Davis Lane that would divert traffic off Deer Lane. For the past three – four years, only minimum spot patching was done on Deer Lane. Unfortunately, the Davis Lane project has been delayed for an indeterminate time. As such, Deer Lane will now have to remain in service much longer than anticipated, and needs major work. After a review of project schedules and repair options, we have approval to proceed with major repairs on Deer Lane. Street & Bridge will be scheduling the repair work on the existing Deer Lane, and for questions about that work, please contact us here at Street & Bridge. The Davis Lane extension project is being managed by Mr. George Jackson, Project Manager at the CIP Project Management Office 974-7197. He remains the main contact for information about that work status and schedule. We appreciate your concern for roadway projects and maintenance in Austin.
Ron Koehn P.E. 974-8777
Paving Operations Engineer
Street & Bridge Division
Public Works Department