Crime Watch

  • 7/18/2012 – Assault on 33XX Silk Oak Dr
  • 7/30/2012 – Burglary on 31XX Silkgrass Bend
  • 7/30/2012 – Burglary on 93XX Tea Rose Trail
  • 7/30/2012 – Burglary on 32XX Grasshopper Drive
  • 7/31/2012 – Burglary on 33XX Silk Oak Drive

The Austin Police Dept sponsored a Neighborhood Watch program on Aug 7th which was helpful in getting the word out about how a criminal thinks. Always lock your car doors, don’t leave valuables in your car, keep garage doors closed day and night, keep your porch lights on at night, keep bushes low close to your house, close your blinds and/or curtains when you are not at home. These are a few things to keep in mind for your safety. We are planning a neighborhood watch program for Cherry Creek and need neighbors to volunteer to be a block captain for their street and get their neighbors involved to keep an eye out for any criminal activity. We need everyone’s eyes and ears to let the criminals know we are watching. There is a follow-up Neighborhood Watch meeting on September 2 to answer our questions on how to implement this program.

9508 Tea Rose

Congratulations to Michael and Mandy Henry of 9508 Tea Rose!! They have more than September Yard of the Month to celebrate. The Henry’s welcomed twins Simon and Zoe to the family on July 19th. Although the happy new parents enjoy working in the yard, Mandy admits that Longhorn Lawns has helped out this summer. After searching for the right company to replace the lawn (lost during last year’s drought) and maintain the sprinkler system, they remembered that Longhorn has been performing maintenance at the neighborhood’s entrance. Replacing the failing grass with Celebration Bermuda Grass has provided a soft, lush look to the yard. Celebration Bermuda Grass is a new variety that is wear-resistant, drought-tolerant, and is the most shade-tolerant of all Bermuda Grasses. These features make it a good choice for this yard which is graced by large oak, cedar, and magnolia trees.

However, the first thing I noticed was the inviting patio and fire pit near the house. This seems to be a new trend, in the neighborhood and beyond. The front patio provides a great place to enjoy the shade and interact with the neighbors. Good neighbors, lots of young children, park amenities and activities, as well as a quiet, nice place to walk Ripley (the family’s out-going corgi) is what will keep them here.

Although the Garden Gals are done for the season, we look forward to the great holiday displays and will be watching for you and your green thumbs next year!



Nominate the next Yard of the Month

[contact-form] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Property you want to Nominate” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]

Neighborhood Watch seminar Tuesday August 7th.

Thank you to the three Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane residents who attended the Neighborhood Watch seminar Tuesday August 7th. We need more participation with the program if we want to keep our neighborhood safe. There was a very informative program and we got to meet the officer in charge of our area. The next program will be Tuesday September 4th. This will be a very informative presentation, so put it on your calendar. Check out the educational videos shown at the seminar.

Confessions of a Burglar (Protect Yourself)

We will be setting up additional meetings for our neighborhood informing residents on preventing problems in the future.

We would also like to thank the three residents who paid their dues after reading our note posted on each home. Next time you go to the front entrance, please notice how nice the landscaping is kept, and the new lighting that welcomes you into our neighborhood. Remember – it is the dues paying residents who provide this. Everyone in the subdivision should be paying your annual $60 dues so we can continue to pay for and add new amenities for your benefit. There are 247 homes in this neighborhood, and there are still 199 of you who have not paid annual dues. Just think what we could accomplish if EVERYONE paid what equivalents to $5 a month!

National Night out for Texas is Tuesday October 2 and we would like block hosts to step up for gatherings on their block (Street). Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Home Owners Association will furnish food and drinks so neighbors can get to know each other.

September 13th 2012 NA meeting minutes

Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane
Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2012

Location: Carla’s House

Next Meeting October 11th (2nd Thursday)
Location to be announced at later date.

Treasurer’s Report: Ed please confirm this amount.
Paid for Landscaping…$129…., Received 3 checks for membership due’s
Otherwise no change

Convert from Printed Newsletter to Website News
Peel discontinued Newsletter as of September 2012 due to lack of advertizing.
(1) has agreed to setup a website that will allow the neighborhood to get all the latest news.
(2)He also will give a class to show each of us how to add to the website news through blogs
Carmen will put all old articles by Month and Year on a Flash drive and deliver to Ed
Each Board Member will:

  1. Log on to
  2. Pick Template of choice (probably from the non-profit list)
    1. Each template will run $35-$40 which will be paid for from association dues
    2. Contains a basic layout which Ed can use to create our website in a few hours time
    3. Colors can be changed to fit our needs so don’t worry about color
  3. Once created Website can be setup on for free

Erica Suggested that Paid Association Members be allowed free advertizing (one month per year)
Ed Said can have website auto email blogs in the newsletter using mailchimp
Board suggested we pull the latest water restrictions for the website
Domain name will be:

Arch committee
Ed wanted to know who is on this committee as he wants to add solar shingles when he reroofs his home.  Both Carla and Charlotte are planning solar panels.
Board determined there is no longer an appointed committee but there would be no objection to this type of upgrade as long as the panels/shingles do not go above the highest point of the roof.

Neighborhood night out
Time: 530pm-730pm
Location: Back Park
Sam/Ed: will setup sign set for the front entrance announcing the party
Will use Sam’s truck to bring Ed’s Grill
Ed: Beer
Erica: Wine
Carmen: Hot Dogs & Buns
Val: Chips/Ketchup/Mustard/Mayonnaise

Erica: South
Carla/Charlotte: Central
Val: Central
Discuss what can go into the greeter baskets/bags
Val will give chamber of commerce a call and see if she can get some coupons
Val also thinks she can get some reusable grocery bags from her husband’s company.

9404 Lightwood Loop

Contemporary meets traditional at 9404 Lightwood Loop. Holly and David Parnos just completed a beautiful transformation of their shaded front yard to garner the August YOM. The Garden Girls were driving by and literally did a double take. Where there had been a traditional, if not a little threadbare front yard, there is now an eye- catching oasis. Holly recently indulged her artistic side and developed a formal landscape plan. Working with a professional landscaper she polished the plan to its final form. Although the project had been in the planning stages since April, once the work began the transformation happened within a matter of days.

A large ash tree dominates the front yard and although lovely, the shade it generates poses its own set of landscaping challenges. Like many of us, last year’s drought was the final straw and the Parnos decided something more significant than nursing the existing grass back to health had to be done. Removing the grass, putting down mulch, and adding colorful specimen plants in artistic groupings creates a peaceful feel. A sidewalk from the curb to the front door solves a problem many of the homes in this neighborhood have and is now a focal point in the landscape. Large concrete squares float in a dark gravel walkway creating a dramatic focal point. Dark gravel along the curb further draws the eye in while solving an access issue for visiting guests that have to park along the street.

When planning the new landscape, Holly leaned heavily on the “Native and Adapted Landscape Plants” booklet published by the City of Austin. This booklet (available at local nurseries and home improvement centers) identifies adapted plants and provides a wealth of information such as watering needs, shade-tolerance, size, etc. Holly selected plants with a variety of striking forms, from complex broad leaves to striking linear shapes. Trailing purple lantana, pink salvia, American beautyberry, and society garlic provide a sweep of purple at the front of the yard. Turk’s cap, columbine, flame-leaf acanthus, and red yucca provide a swath of red. Other standouts in the yard include agarita, sotol, and muhly bamboo. Utilizing this diversity of flowering plants ensures the yard will have colorful blooms from early Spring to late Fall. Although the transformation appears complete, there are still a few planting beds where Holly can hone her burgeoning gardening skills. I for one can’t wait to see the future additions and watch as the landscape matures.

The Parnos took advantage of the great shade in the front yard and created a small patio area in front of the house. Adirondack chairs accentuate the welcoming look and relaxing “feel” of the front yard. The family, including Layla (their furry child), is already enjoying their new urban oasis.

Message From the President

The Fourth of July parade was a hit with the kids in the neighborhood and many adults also participated. Neighbors supported the kids by cheering them on as they circled the subdivision. The line-up began at the front entrance park and the parade picked up additional participants along the way. The kids decorated their bikes and wagons and others marched along. It ended at the back park on Silk Oak Drive where a jumping castle arrived at 10am. Erica Taylor did face painting which was a smash hit and I tied balloons for the kiddos. There were good eats and treats, along with sausage wraps and lots of covered dishes your neighbors brought. Everyone visited until about 12:30. We even had a few folks sign up with the home owners association.
We could sure use some more members. Their dues support activities like the July Fourth Parade, National Night Out, Easter Egg Hunt for the kids, Halloween awards, Christmas light awards, and upkeep of our beautiful front entrance. We are in dire need of new lights for the front entrance and they are expensive. Keeping that entrance attractive keeps your property values up and welcomes your guests to a neighborhood that is proud of itself. Dues are only $60 a year, that’s only $5 a month! Please consider supporting your neighborhood.
There is a Neighborhood Watch program planned for August 7, Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Police Station at 404 Ralph Albenedo. This is just north of Slaughter and west of Congress. Officer Ristow will be presenting a slide presentation and talk and answering questions on keeping your neighborhood safe and recognizing suspicious activity. We have not had one of these in a few years and would be a good opportunity to brush up on your observation skills.
The next major activity planned for the neighborhood will be National Night Out and we would like to have one house on each street host a get together. Contact any of the Board members if you would like to do this. The Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association will furnish refreshments and will be letting you know the exact date as it gets closer.

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President. Sam Taylor

9316 Silk Oak Cove

It’s all about the details. Yard of the month for July is picture perfect whether it is December or the dog days of summer. Erica Bonner of 9316 Silk Oak Cove keeps her yard ready for inspection at all times. Unlike some of the previous YOM yards, this yard has very manicured, traditional landscaping which enhances the red brick traditional home. And the house is as well kept as the yard with lots of energy efficient upgrades like a storm door and solar screens. The front of the house has precisely trimmed shrubs that extend right up to the front door. Limestone pavers neatly edge the flower beds and red mulch (reflecting the house color) provides a pop of color while completing the manicured look. The yard is shaded by two large trees, an ash and an oak. A large, prettyflowergardensurroundstheoaktree. Vibrantcoordinatingcolors are provided by roses, oxalis, dusty miller, purple verbena, Hawthorne, Shasta daisies, begonias and more.

But like all great yards, this one has small surprises at every turn. A pretty urn overflowing with asparagus fern, begonias, and other flowers greets visitors at the front walk accompanied by a welcome sign bedecked with turtles.. Erica is obviously a bird watcher as evidenced by the two whimsical bird feeders, blown glass hummingbird feeder, and bird bath. But Erica isn’t the only bird fancier in the family. Blinds in the front room are left open so her cat can watch the bird feeder and daydream.

The yard didn’t always look this way though, when Erica bought the house in 2009 it had been a rental and the yard reflected it. Erica says she met many of her neighbors for the first time when they stopped to visit while she worked in her yard. Neighbors on Silk Oak Cove were thankful for all the hard work she put in and the lovely improvements. After talking to Erica, it is clear she knows her plants and has a great love of all things outdoors.

Like all the YOM homeowners I have met, Erica’s backyard is even more beautiful than her front yard. She has created a haven for plants, wildlife, and especially people. A couple of interesting things I learned were to look for plants in non-traditional settings; she especially recommends the Lavender Festival in Fredericksburg. She says you get interesting species at great prices. The other take-away was not to sweat the little things, she will try different species in various locations and see what works. It’s the process not the destination, just get out and enjoy!

Annual 4th of July Parade

Come and join us for the Annual 4th of July Parade – Parade route – 9:00 a.m. starting at the front park, make a right turn on Tea Rose and a left on Silkgrass Bend. Then left on Lightwood Loop, another left on Silk Oak to the main park in the back. Please join us in the parade or show your support by cheering us on from your lawns.

After the parade we will be serving sausage wraps, drinks, and all neighbors are encouraged to bring their favorite side dish. Decorate your bike, wagon, baby stroller, or self. LOTS OF FUN!!

3323 Slik Oak Drive

Mike and Barbara Tankey (along with Paddy their playful 2 year old golden retriever) recently converted their ailing front yard into a beautiful and refreshing shade garden. Like many of us in the neighborhood, last year’s drought took its toll on their lawn. Another factor that was working against them was the increasing shade provided by the Bradford pear tree that they planted approximately 14 years ago after buying their new home. Every spring they put sod down in the increasingly large bare patches in an attempt to keep their lawn lush, but it soon became a losing battle. This Spring they tried a different tactic. They portioned-off the densely shaded section of their front yard and rotatilled the remaining grass into the soil. After stripping out the grass roots and leveling the soil, they mulched the entire area, then added splashes of color by planting clusters of shade-loving plants and flowers. Several pieces of yard art and pottery further enhance the setting.

The front yard transformation actually started a couple of years ago with Mexican feather grass and rosemary along the driveway. The recent additions include coleus, hostus, fern, Hawaiian ti, caladiums, vincas, and mondo grass. One plant that really loves the shade garden is the Japense aralia planted in the tall pots. Like finding Waldo, take a moment to search out the little surprises tucked throughout – look for the toads, fish, cats, and fossils among many others.

Beside its beauty, another benefit of the shade garden is that it requires much less water than the St. Augustine grass it replaced. Although the plants and flowers they selected are generally not native to Texas, they are well-adapted to our hot, dry environment. Being perennials they are cost-effective because they will come back year after year. Now the front yard matches the beauty and serenity of the backyard(where they previously concentrated their efforts). So thank you Tankeys for the inspiration and the lovely new addition to the neighborhood.

News from the Board

Dear Neighbors:
Once again we had a successful Neighborhood Yard and Garage Sale the first weekend in May. Our thanks to all the neighbors who participated and to those of you who helped by placing signs advertising the event. Be sure to check further along in the newsletter for photos of the occasion !

2012 is flying by and I know all the young people are looking forward to their summer break after a long school year ! This is an especially good time to remind everyone to please keep a close watch on your speed when driving through the neighborhood since the number of pedestrians and bicyclists is always higher in the summer months.

As of May 15th, we have 50 dues paying member families. Our thanks to those of you who have joined us already in 2012 and we also wish to encourage everyone else to join. Without our dues income, we would not be able to maintain the landscaping at our entrance or have any social or special events we enjoy each year. The next event will be our Fourth of July celebration, so anyone who wishes to help plan this year’s event, please send an email to or post your suggestions or offers of help on our Facebook page.

I also hope those of you who have recently received letters regarding the parking of trailers, RV’s, campers and/or boats in their driveways and on the streets in the neighborhood are giving serious thought to moving those eyesores into your garage or to a storage facility. As mentioned before, adherence to deed restrictions is one of the best ways available to us to maintain our neighborhood values and keep Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane an attractive and desirable place to live.
Sincerely, Barbara Statum, President