Area School News

Be a part in knowing about and supporting your neighborhood schools. Even if you don’t have a student you can be a PTA community member. By joining the PTA you are helping support the school, teachers, and students. PTA membership is $8.00 at Cowan and Covington, $16.00 at Bowie.
Other easy ways of supporting you neighborhood schools is shopping.
• Office Depot – ask the cashier to donate 5% of you purchases.
• Randalls – sign up to have 1% of your purchases donated.
• Target – with your Target card 1% of your purchases is donated.

Cowan elementary

Cowan School Day ………………… 7:45-2:45
May 28………….Staff and Student Holiday
May 30 …………………… Last Day of Classes

Covington middle School

School Day……………………………. 8:15-3:30
May 28………….Staff and Student Holiday
May 30 …………………… Last Day of Classes

There are a few Life Scouts working on their Eagle Scout Projects at Covington Middle School. Their projects will go a long way to improve the school grounds for the enjoyment of the staff and students. Many KUDOS to these young men for their hard work and community service.

Bowie High School

School Day……………………………. 8:50-4:15
May 28………….Staff and Student Holiday
May 30 …………………… Last Day of Classes

Final Exam Schedule – Spring 2012
Thursday, May 24th
1st pd. final………………….8:50 to 10:50 5th pd. final………………….11:00 to 1:00
Friday, May 25th
2nd pd. final………………..8:50 to 10:50 6th pd. final…………………..11:00 to 1:00
Tuesday, May 29th
3rd pd. final…………………8:50 to 10:50 7th pd. final…………………..11:00 to 1:00
Wednesday, May 30th
4th pd. final…………………8:50 to 10:50 8th pd. final……………………11:00 to 1:00

9606 Kangaroo Lane

Our May 2012 Yard-of-the-Month winners are Mary and Mike Seberger of 9606 Kangaroo Lane. Sitting on their front porch is like stepping back in time. Their yard abuts undeveloped land south of the neighborhood and provides a touch of frontier living. A resident turkey is a frequent and bold visitor. Road runners, hawks, and cardinals are accompanied by larger mammals such as rabbits, raccoons, opossums, and fox. One of the more unexpected sights off their front porch was a couple of horses being chased down by a couple of errant cowboys. The horses still visit across the fence, but haven’t been seen in the yard since the last round up.
Mary used to have a vegetable garden along the fence, but the various critters pushed them out. That garden is now a flower plot replete with colorful poppies, blue bonnets, cosmos, irises, and lantana. The vegetables have now moved to the flower garden in the front of the house. Mingled in the colorful blooms you will find “hidden” pockets of acorn squash and tomatoes. What drew us to the yard initially was the early Spring blooms of bountiful blue bonnets accompanied by bold irises and amaryllis. A second look indicated that the color was going to go on all season long. Clusters of bold black-foot daisy, orange and gold cosmos, blue plumbago, red Mexican poinsettias, and native lantana will continue the riot of color all summer long.
Although mature trees shade the back yard there were no trees in the front yard, so about six years ago they adopted a 2-foot tall bur oak sapling donated by the City of Austin and it is now a beautiful, full 15-foot tall tree. While interviewing Mary and Mike, I enjoyed one of their favorite aspects of their yard…a peaceful sunset with abundant wildlife flitting about.
Mike and Mary purchased their home in 2001 and have put a lot of time and love into their gardens. This is their second YOM honor, though the first time they were October YOM due to the bountiful fall colors and late season blooms. Thanks to all the happy gardeners who bring color and wildlife to our suburban landscape.

32 dozen eggs

Dear Neighbors

We had a great time at the Easter Egg Hunt and want to say thank you to everyone who helped. The children were all so adorable and they loved hunting for eggs and hugging our wonderful Easter Bunny, Romie, who made her 2nd appearance at this annual event. Luckily for us all, the weather cooperated and it did not rain on us ! It was cool, breezy and sunny. We had a bumper crop of little ones this year and were so happy to see all the new neighbors who attended for the first time.

Special thanks to the folks who stuffed and hid the 32 dozen eggs, including Carla Trautwein, Carmen Martin, Bonny Edwards and Erica Taylor. It was a great idea to include little toys and stickers so the children got to find more than candy! Be sure to check the newsletter website at Peel, Inc. to see the wonderful color photos commemorating the fun !

Another event we look forward to each year (which also can assist us all with our spring cleaning) is the Neighborhood Yard Sale. This is scheduled for Saturday, May 5th. Hope as many of you as possible will be able to participate. We will put out signs a few days before to help draw in some shoppers !

We want to also thank the members of the Landscaping Committee whose Work Day has made such a beautiful and instantly recognizable difference at the entrance to our subdivision. The knock-out roses are blooming in all their glory and the additions of new flowers and shrubs over the years has made a huge difference in the overall curb appeal of Cherry Creek on Brodie. For those of you who expressed interest in this committee via the forms you returned with your dues checks, we will be in contact with you this month to find out how you wish to participate and get you in the loop. The more the merrier !

Thank you again to all the neighbors who have paid their dues this year and hope to see more folks get involved with the Board and Committees. The greater number of participants, the more projects we can bring to completion. The next meeting of the Board will be on Thursday, May 3rd. As always, any suggestions or visitors are welcome. Just drop us an email or catch us when we’re out walking our dogs or changing the marquee! We will be installing some new Board Members at that time.

Sincerely, Barbara Statum

Spring has sprung

Yards are coming alive with color, landscaping is looking good, and what better time with this wonderful weather?It is also a good time to do your spring cleaning. Anyone have those odds and ends you meant to get rid of? Well, here’s a great time for that. Our annual neighborhood Garage Sale will be on Saturday, May 5th so start collecting to make this profitable for you. As they say, One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Your HOA provides the signs and marketing for you to make easy money. Thank you for paying your dues.

32 member families

Dear Neighbors:

Our thanks to the neighbors who attended the Annual Meeting on March 3rd. Several long time neighbors came for the first time and we were thrilled to have them. Also at the meeting, a brand new association member, Julie Gaitan, volunteered to become our new newsletter editor. This was perfect timing because Carmen Martin, who has been our editor since she moved to the neighborhood, recently volunteered to become the Secretary for the Board of Directors. Thanks to both of you ladies for stepping up to help us out.

We are now up to 32 member families ! Our thanks to those of you who have joined us already in 2012 and we also wish to encourage everyone else to join. Without our dues income, we would not be able to maintain the landscaping at our entrance or have any social or special events such as the Easter Egg Hunt coming up on April 3rd. See the notice elsewhere in the newsletter for more info on this very popular event. Anyone who wishes to volunteer to help stuff or hide eggs, please send an email to or post it on our Facebook page.

Please also look for another article in this issue of the newsletter concerning the parking of boats, trailers and RV’s in driveways and on the streets in the neighborhood. Many folks completed their “Suggestions for Issues to be addressed by CCoBL, NA” with comments about the ever increasing number of boats and trailers left in front of homes or in driveways.

Hope to see you and your children at the Easter Egg Hunt.

Barbara Statum for the Board 

Front entrance maintenance

The appearance of our front entrance says a lot about our neighborhood. Over the years we have managed to keep the grass mowed, bushes trimmed, and the weeds down. Several times a year we mulch, plant flowers, and maintain the sprinkler system. We have even been able to put up some lights for the holidays. We would like to do more, such as repairing the front entrance lights, but we have been limited by the budget provided by yearly dues. Volunteers giving their time and energy and Annual dues of ONLY $60/year make improvements possible.

However being able to continue to maintain the entrance will be impossible without more homeowner participation. Participation can take on many forms. We are all busy with our daily lives and obligations, but even if you don’t have time to volunteer, please pay your annual dues. We have been getting approximately 25 % of our homeowners paying dues every year. Most are your same neighbors that volunteer their time as well. Moreover that 25% is taking care of YOUR entrance, and helping to maintain YOUR property values. We need YOU to be a member of the neighborhood association and do your part. Without you we cannot maintain our neighborhood entrance. For those of you who enjoy neighborhood events such as Easter egg hunts and 4th of July celebrations, we need your help to continue to provide these!

9429 Lightwood Loop

Spring has definitely sprung here in Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane! In fact, we should change the name of our neighborhood to Cherry BLOSSOM Creek because of all the lovely, colorful blooming trees, shrubs and plants in the yards of our neighbors. Spring seemed to have taken a flying leap right into the yard of our first Yard of the Month winner for 2012! Congratulations to Mike and Lynn Kelley of 9429 Lightwood Loop for winning our April 2012 Yard of the Month Award! Their yard is beautifully maintained, and splashes of blossoming spring color abound in a rainbow of hues. Mike and Lynn moved into their house in 1996 and are the original owners. Mike is the one with the green thumb and can usually be found working in the yard. Although they were worried about the grass not coming back this year after last year’s drought, the mild winter and abundance of rain have created a lush green yard.

The house has a very inviting front entrance that is flanked by pretty, well-maintained shrubs with a large sago palm as the focal point. They planted the sago palm years ago and have enjoyed watched it grow from a very small plant. It is one of Lynn’s favorite things about the yard. Her other favorite is the Chinaberry tree in the side yard. It was a mature tree when they moved in, and provided the only shade in the yard. The builder shaped the driveway around the tree, and they are very thankful that it was saved. The tree produces berries that draw in all kinds of wildlife, though they are tough on the cars & driveway. The other large tree in the front yard is a beautiful red oak that was planted about 13 years ago and is just now leafing out. The tree was planted to provide shade in the summer to the front of the house which faces

south. It has been very beneficial and keeps the house much cooler. In addition to the well-kept appearance of the yard and house, the landscaping element that drew us to this yard was the colorful, bountiful, spring blooms. Mike is a big fan of Scott’s Planting Soil with Plant Food Mix. Mike an Lynn don’t use fertilizers and pesticides on their lawn because their pets spend so much time in the yard. Therefore, their lawn could be considered more of a “green” yard. This time of year, when most folks are just starting to garden, the Kelley’s flowers were flourishing. Large, robust crimson and salmon-colored snapdragons seem to burst from the earth and surround a well-pruned crape myrtle. Another brilliant spring floral display is in the whiskey barrel planted with periwinkles, begonias, pansies, and marigolds which is surrounded by another band of deep violet-colored flowers. Their trick is to exchange annuals periodically to take advantage of each seasons’ conditions. For example pansies add great color in the winter and thrive in the colder wetter conditions, but will burn up in summer and are replaced by heat tolerant species.

As April 2012 Yard of the Month winners, Lynn and Mike are recipients of a special perk (or maybe we should call it a “perc”) to winning the YOM award, a $20.00 gift card, generously donated by Steve Baer of the Texenza Coffee shop nearby. A special thanks goes to Texenza, a locally owned cafe near the Randalls that is only a 6 minute walk on the trail at the end of Tea Rose Trail– check it out!

Neighborhood School News

Be a part in knowing about and supporting your neighborhood schools. Even if you don’t have a student you can be a PTA community member. By joining the PTA you are helping support the school, teachers, and students. PTA membership is $8.00 at Cowan and Covington, $16.00 at Bowie.

Other easy ways of supporting you neighborhood schools is shopping.

  • Office Depot – ask the cashier to donate 5% of you purchases.
  • Randalls – sign up to have 1% of your purchases donated.
  • Target – with your Target card 1% of your purchases is donated.


Cowan School Day……………………….. 7:45-2:45 March 12-16……………………………. Spring Break


School Day ………………………………….. 8:15-3:30

March 12-16……………………………. Spring Break

There are a few Life Scouts working on their Eagle Scout Projects at Covington Middle School. Their projects will go a long way to improve the school grounds for the enjoyment of the staff and students. Many KUDOS to these young men for their hard work and community service.


School Day ………………….. 8:50-4:15 Late Start Days …………………… 10:15-4:15

March 12-16………………… Spring Break March 22 ……………………. Late Start Day

2011 Cherry Creek Winter Holiday Decoration Contest

Visions of sugar plums danced in everyone’s heads this holiday season in our Cherry Creek neighborhood. So many people did an outstanding job on their holiday decorations! Many of the houses glimmered and twinkled with beautiful lights and fanciful glowing creatures. Upon entering our neighborhood, one would see a winter wonderland where giant toy soldiers stood guard at a sparkling house with brightly- colored snowflakes. I almost felt the frosty snow crunching under my feet and heard the jingle of sleigh bells while strolling through the neighborhood on a winter’s night. One homeowner’s lawn was overrun by mischievous longhorns and a cowboy Santa wishing us a “Merry Tex- mas”. The creative, Texas-style decorations and hand-painted bovines were amazing! Another yard was aglow with gigantic lollypops, candy canes, glittery gifts and shining polar bears. Many beautifully- decorated yards received votes to win the 2011 Cherry Creek Winter Holiday Decoration Contest, but here are the three houses that received the most votes. First place in the Holiday Decoration Contest goes to 9309 Silk Oak Cove. Second place goes to 3217 Silk Oak Drive, and third place goes to 9301 Silk Oak Cove. Thanks to all who participated in the contest and helped to make Cherry Creek a “holly jolly” neighborhood this holiday season!

2012 Membership Drive is now underway!

Our 2012 Membership Drive is now underway, so please take a moment to send in your $60 dues checks.

As you all know, our major expenses throughout the year are for maintenance and improvement of the landscape and lighting at the entrance to Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane. Currently, a group of board members is working to repair and/or replace the lights at the entrance monuments. We hope to have that project finished within the next month.

We were thrilled this past year to have several new neighbors volunteer for committees and we especially thank our Gardening Gals, who have ably taken over Yard of the Month ! They spent many hours selecting the winning yards, interviewing the homeowners and writing great articles for the newsletter. Thank you Val and Beth !

Another first in 2011 was the patriotic display of American flags at the entrance to CCOBL. This is a service provided several times a year through Bowie High School, with the installation provided by our VP, Carla Trautwein and her husband, Ken. Hope you all are enjoying this as much as we do !

We will also be holding our Annual Meeting at the end of February and will announce the date, time & location on the marquee, so please keep that event in mind. It will be especially important because we are looking for new board members and officers. Per our Association bylaws, board members are to serve two years terms. Several board members have already served over this time and we need neighbors to step up and help fill these positions. We need your fresh ideas and enthusiasm. It is crucial to keep our association in compliance with our bylaws and articles of incorporation, as well as to maintain our non-profit status with the IRS and the Secretary of State of Texas.

Generally, it is the job of the President or Vice President to provide the agenda for board meetings, to manage those meetings and maintain the Association’s records. The Secretary takes notes at the meetings and writes up the minutes for approval at the next meeting. The Secretary also checks our post office box at the Mockingbird Station, logs in dues payments and delivers the checks to the Treasurer, who makes the deposits. The Treasurer also prepares a balance sheet for the bank account and reports on same at board meetings. The board as a whole discusses any issues or complaints brought to our attention by neighbors and votes on what actions to take, including sending out notice letters to homeowners who are not in compliance with deed restrictions. If you have any questions, please email the and we will get back to you.

Other duties of the board members include organizing Association events

such as our Annual Meeting, Easter Egg Hunt, Neighborhood Garage Sale, Fourth of July Parade & Celebration, National Night Out and Christmas Lighting Contest. Board members also serve on various committees, including the Landscaping Committee, who manage the lawn service company, assisted by non-board members who enjoy gardening.

Please check the Membership Drive form further along in the newsletter for a list of the committees you might like to join.

Everyone please give this serious consideration, as the more folks who volunteer, the more we can accomplish for our neighborhood.

Have a wonderful February and we’ll see you at the end of the month at the Annual Meeting.

Barbara Statum, President