2022 Fall Block Party 3-6pm, Back Park
See you there…

This Saturday Oct 22, Kids costume contest at 3:15pm.
Get ready to vote on your favorite Chili and the neighborhood houses with the best Halloween decorations.
There will be Split the Pot and our musicians will be taking donations, bring some cash or electronic funds.
Weather will be GREAT for an outdoor party. Party set up starts at 1pm if you want to lend a hand.
2022 October CCOB Newsletter
2022 July Newsletter
2022 4th of July Parade and Potluck
Hope to see everyone at our annual event. Here is the link to the sign up sheet for the potluck. Please bring something to share and let our organizers know what it is. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rLYyszGnxroK3o0KfHhWDEClYWzd9BsA/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109730084196274221332&rtpof=true&sd=true
If you can help out to set up early in the morning please contact Tammy Davison at 512-888-8161 or just show up at the back park by 8am.
2022 May Newsletter
2022 April Annual Meeting Newsletter
March 2022 CCOB Newsletter
January 2022 CCOB Newsletter
2021 Christmas light voting
Thanks to everyone that voted, And the Winners are:
1st, 9403 Tea Rose Trail
2nd, 9309 Lightwood Loop
3rd, 3230 Silkgrass Bend.
There are a lot of homes with incredible lights this year. The list below are highlighting but you are not restricted to voting for just those.
Submit the survey below to pick your 3 top contenders. The winners will have a sign put out front on Dec 24 and through the holiday. To view the neighborhood lights go here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/G6JGcXFkKAd9jgAg8
Here are some highlights, in no particular order:
- 9403 Tea Rose Trail
- 3323 Silk Oak Drive
- 3217 Silk Oak Drive
- 3230 Silk Oak Bend
- 3306 Silk Oak Bend
- 3309 Silk Oak Bend
- 3312 Silk Oak Bend
- 9606 Kangaroo
- 9600 Kangaroo
- 3107 Silk Oak Bend
- 9332 Lightwood Loop
- 9321 LIghtwood Loop
- 9312 Lightwood Loop
- 9309 Lightwood Loop