Thanks to all who attended the annual board meeting and voted. There were 3 documents that came from the meeting, the Annual Meeting Notes, the Treasurers Report and Bob Peterson home inspection tips. Please see our Google Drive folder here:
CCOBNA Annual Board Meeting April 18 Sunday
The CCOBNA Annual Board Meeting will be on Sunday April 18 from 3-5pm in the back park. Our food truck will be there from 3-7pm. As part of the meeting we will continue to vote on updating our by-laws and voting on new board members. If you would like to have a seat on the board, this is your opportunity to support your neighborhood. We will have 2 guest speakers. We welcome your participation. If you want to review the updates to the by-laws go to our website here:

Annual Meeting Agenda:
1. Call of order.
2. Financial updates by Char and Carla.
a. Expenses since last meeting.
b. New member payments.
3. Voting:
a. Vote on proposed by-law changes.
b. Elect new president.
4. Guest speakers:
a. Bob Petersen with Precision Inspection Service will speak to us about maintaining yourproperty and making your property more energy efficient. b. Anthony Johnson, Chief Deputy will give us information on safety for our
neighborhood and our property.
5. Communications:
a. Landscaping report: Neighbors mulched the front entrance, Light at the back park. Etc.
b. The social committee discussion.
c. Thank the volunteer members and dues paying members. d. Starting from November 2021 CCOBNA will no longer be charged $25 water fees.
6. Open floor (Any available time)
a. Please share new neighbor information to be posted on the website.
CCOB Spring Event – Sat April 3
Come enjoy a Breakfast Taco 9-noon and bring the family for a self service photo in our beautiful park from 9-3pm.

March 2021 Newsletter
Feb 20 Saturday Food Truck is on, Mulching is off
For those that were going to help mulch it is canceled due to the apocalypse.
Cinnful Sweets/Hands off My Funnel Cake 4pm -7pm. ***Check out the truck menu here and order on site.
January 2021 Newsletter
Zoom Board Meeting January 19, 2020 -7pm
Please Join the first Board Meeting of 2020
Zoom Meeting Inforamtion
Meeting ID: 564 499 4735 Passcode: 612232
One tap mobile+13462487799,,5644994735#,,,,*612232# US (Houston)
Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting agenda:
1. Call of order.
2. Financial updates by Char and Carla. (10 mins)
a. Expenses since last meeting. Stationery expenses: Flyers ($12), envelopes ($3) and CCOBNA address stamp ($19). b. New member payments.
3. Non recurring projects/events: (approx. 10 mins each)
4. Recurring events:
a. 2021 schedule: Meetings: Jan 19, March 16, Annual April 18, May 18, July 15, Sept 21, Nov 16
Events: Feb. Mulch day: Quotes on Mulch for front entrance? Do we have an organizer? Do we have a quote?
July 4 th ,
Aug 3 National Night Out,
Oct ?? Yard sale
Suggestions that don’t cost money for events:
1. Food truck: Patty offered to coordinate. Lot of neighbors liked it. Set up dates. 2. Easter day: Sunday April 4 or Saturday April 3? suggestions per availability of funds:
1. Flashy signs up at the entrance subdivision when the event is planned.
2. CCOBNA organize a social event with funds to supply food and beverages.
b. Dues drive
5. Discussions/Voting (10 mins):
1. Website suggestions:
6. Open floor (Any available time)
a. Please share new neighbor information to be posted on website. b. Event suggests.
And the 2020 Decoration winners are:
First place: 3230 Silkgrass Bend
Second place: 3312 Silkgrass Bend
3rd place: 9312 Lightwood Loop
Thanks everyone who voted and those that put up lights to celebrate the holidays.
You are welcome to look at our gallery of lights, in no particular order here:
Happy Holidays from CCOB
November 2020 Newsletter
November 17 Board Meeting – Zoom
The last meeting of the year will be on November 17, Tuesday from 7pm -8:30.
Please join us on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 564 499 4735
Passcode: 612232
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,5644994735#,,,,,,0#,,612232# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,5644994735#,,,,,,0#,,612232# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Meeting ID: 564 499 4735
Passcode: 612232
Find your local number:
Meeting agenda:
1. Call of order.
2. Financial updates by Char and Carla. (10 mins)
a. Expenses since last meeting. b. New member payments.
3. Non recurring projects/events: (approx. 10 mins each)
a. Proposal to by-law changes updates from Terri/Char:
1. Discuss regarding changing quorum in existing by-laws.
a. result analysis.
b. Do we want to consult a lawyer before changing the by-laws for legal implications?
4. Annual events:
a. Neighborhood night out – Glad we got new members to hand out flyers
Thank Sylvie Pham, Erika Bonner, Jan Naughton, Terri and Linda. b. Next year Schedule
5. Discussions/Voting (10 mins):
1. Website suggestions: Advertising in social media, should we allow it?
6. Open floor (Any available time)
a. Please share new neighbor information to be posted on website.